In the course of our lives we go through many personal and professional transitions...

We change career, go through different stages of study and training, live in a multitude of places, have several romantic partners; children arrive and then leave the nest; loved ones suddenly need help; retirement looms... Other times, external and unforeseen events destabilize the course of our lives. And sometimes, several transitions combine simultaneously in a big bang.

When: Thursday, March 16, 2023 (afternoon) to Sunday, March 19, 2023 (after lunch)

Where: Silly-Tillard Estate (Oise) in the heart of a 12-acre property, located 70 km from Paris

Who: 8 to 10 participants maximum led by 2 certified coaches Suzanne Peters & Agnès Sroka

How much: Pilot session: €1,100 all included - coaching program, accommodation (individual room), meals (chef on site). Transportations to and from the retreat not included.

Registration and 50% deposit before 13/02/2023.

More details on the course of this stay



Life Transitions #01

Midlife crisis, midlife crisis, does it speak to you? - No surprise.... A very recent study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridges, Ma, USA, among 500,000 people worldwide, showed that the "Midlife crisis" is now a more common reality than ever.


Life Transitions #02

By the way, what is a life transition? Because life is movement and because it is in the changes, the transformations, the passages, that it takes all its meaning, all its essence, I share with you some thoughts on life transitions.


Life Transitions #03

Life is a succession of transitions! Because life is movement and it is in the changes, the transformations, the passages, that it takes all its meaning, all its essence, I share with you some thoughts on life transitions.