Listen to yourself to (re)find yourself. Listen to yourself to (re)find yourself. Listen to yourself to (re)find yourself.

Give yourself the gift of a 3-day break
to catch your breath, re-evaluate your issues

set yourself in motion towards the future.


A short residential stay in mid-March in a timeless and warm setting to take a step back, settle down and take a new look at your desires.

A programme alternating reflections guided by creative tools and processes with dedicated times of introspection, exchanges and meaningful conversations, and times of reconnection to the body.

A holistic approach to all dimensions of life: emotional, family, relational, occupational, physical.

If you recognize yourself in any of these situations
it may be time to take a break!


  • You are in the midst of a personal or professional transition
  • You feel "stuck" or "at a standstill
  • A major change is coming in your life and you want to approach it prepared
  • The pandemic and ongoing societal transitions have led you to rethink certain aspects of your life
  • You feel the need to re-evaluate your life priorities
  • You want a fresh start

"Listening to each other to (re)find each other

When: Thursday, March 16 (afternoon) to Sunday, March 19, 2023 (after lunch)

Where: Silly-Tillard Estate (Oise) in the heart of a 12-acre property, located 70 km from Paris

Who: 8 to 10 participants maximum led by 2 certified coaches Suzanne Peters & Agnès Sroka

How much: Pilot session: €1,100 all included - coaching program, accommodation (individual room), meals (chef on site). Transportations to and from the retreat not included.

Registration and 50% deposit before 13/02/2023

During these 3 days,
you will


  • Mute the noise of daily life, work, your surroundings and society to refocus on you, your needs, your essence
  • Benefit from a safe and supportive environment and the support of 2 experienced coaches to ask yourself though-provoking questions and find your own answers
  • To be guided in your journey by a structuring framework allowing your singular path
  • Discover tried-and-tested methods, tools and resources to help you understand where you are and how to approach and move through transitions more serenely
  • Share inspiring stories and benefit from conversations with your peers to shed new light on what you are experiencing
  • Enjoy an intimate location set in nature, healthy food, and dedicated time to reconnect with your body and regain energy

You will leave

Having made sense of what you are going through
Knowing how to act to come out of these pivotal times stronger and more energized
Having re-defined your "mental block" to create momentum 
Having made clear commitments to yourself on how to take your next steps

The 3 stages of the journey

Assess your current situation
  • Self-assess where you are on each of your emotional, family, relational, occupational and physical facets
  • Share your current challenge or opportunity
  • Find out why you are "stuck"
  • Understand how you react to transitions
  • Learn techniques to better cope with change and move forward
Gain clarity
  • Make sense of your current situation by uncovering key inhibitors
  • Identify what no longer serves you
  • Identify your talents
  • Discover how to calm inner turmoil, fight the force of habit, develop a continuous learning mindset
Preparing for a new tomorrow
  • Connect to your desires, your aspirations, your dreams
  • Observe how your skills and values can serve as a compass and driver for reinventing yourself
  • Learn to increase your confidence and reduce feelings of uncertainty
  • Review what you have learned and understood to decide how you want to approach the future

Your travel guides : Agnès and Suzanne

Agnès SROKA Suzanne PETERS

We are two friends and professional accomplices who met more than 20 years ago in the midst of a transition period that had led us to the benches of a coaching school.

Since then, we have continued to walk close to each other. During all these years, many changes have occurred in our lives: Suzanne has invented a new job, Agnès Suzanne has invented a new profession, Agnes has changed companies and jobs several times, our children have grown up, left the nest and some have even emigrated far from us, we have both faced the neurodegenerative disease of one of our parents, Suzanne has changed neighborhoods, Agnes has left Paris, Agnes has become a grandmother and has been won over by eco-anxiety, Suzanne has lost people dear to her heart, Covid has forced us to rethink our way of life and our way of working... In short, between rapids, meanders, quagmires, floods and floods, we have navigated the course of life.

Going through these events was not always easy and we spent many hours analyzing what was at stake for us at each of these stages of lifeWe spent many hours analyzing what was at stake for us at each of these stages of life, experimenting with different approaches to better negotiate moments of turmoil, training and informing ourselves on concepts as overused as they are mysterious, such as the mid-life crisis, the "sandwich" generation, the year of the phoenix...

We came away convinced that if we don't understand and know how to deal with the process of disorientation and reorientation that allows us to move from one stage of life to the next, we risk clinging on to the false hope that we will escape change and that our life will always remain the same. But, as we all know, change has become the norm. So it's up to us to figure out how to make good use of it.

Today, we have decided to share this life experience combined with our coaching expertise to help the people we coach turn their inevitable periods of transition into opportunities for regeneration, rebound or blossoming.