In fact, if the phenomenon has been overused and is often caricatured, it is nonetheless a reality.
While the first decades of our lives are driven by the challenge of building our work, our family circle, our social identity, from the age of 35, 40, 50 onwards a second phase of life takes shape which often gives way to the feeling of being heckled from all sides, to a visceral desire to change everything, to the imperious need to regain control of a life which, according to personal, family or professional events, sometimes seems to escape us, or even to the realization that the reality we live in has little to do with our youthful dreams.
So yes, it is unpleasant and we are quick to call it a crisis. But in truth, this furious desire for change is the symptom that a period of moulting has begun, of a transition that opens the door to a new stage of life.
So rather than bury your head in the sand and tell yourself that it will eventually pass or change your haircut or your job or your spouse or all three, my advice is:
- to accommodate this transition,
- to listen to what our self wants to tell us
- and to make this intense period of questioning the opportunity to discover
of a new field of possibilities.
This is what the next Pause " S'écoute pour se (re)trouver " proposes,
from February 2 to 5, 2023 in the heart of the Isère countryside (in the Oise ;-))
Three days of break dedicated to know where you are in your transition,
gain clarity on what is at stake, and prepare yourself for a new tomorrow.
Agnès Sroka