15 coaching case studies explained
A collective work from a group of authors including Stéphane Vallée and Gilles Vialard.
By Suzanne Peters and Gilles Vialard published in the Bulletin Veille et Recherche of the AQCP. This article conceptualises a new model that emerged during a training session that Gilles and Suzanne gave to a group of managers whom they trained in co-development facilitation.
"We are training that day a group of managers in co-development facilitation.
Our intention with this training course is not to give a lecture using the two-way method, but to dissect with the managers, future facilitators, the anchor points of this practice. Our objective is to make them reflect on the meaning of the different steps, their role in this process that brings out a collective intelligence at the service of one and all members of a community of peers.
In our co-facilitation, we decided to give free rein to our intuitions and creativity, trusting each other and remaining jointly responsible and vigilant about the themes and topics to be addressed during the day.
During the day and thanks to an interaction with a participant, we seize this opportunity to give some elements on the technique and practice of reframing in a collective dynamic. One thing leading to another, we bounce from the steps of Theory U to those of co-development. The presentation of the superposition of the processes flows naturally and makes sense for us as well as for each participant.
Without them, neither of us would have made this parallel. And the mirror is reversed. They are the ones who generated without realizing it our capacity to make this link. We made something alive, in the moment, the "flow".
We modeled for the participants the creative force of a pair of peers who trust each other, and trust their intuitions, capable of bringing forth a new idea, which was not there for either of us at the precise moment we intervened. .... "
To read the whole article, click here.
A collective work from a group of authors including Stéphane Vallée and Gilles Vialard.
By Nathalie Delmas.
In a world as volatile and uncertain as ours, a new type of leader capable of combining humanity AND performance is essential. How to become one?
By Eve Berger-Grosjean.
All learning, all interaction, all processes of evolution and transformation are initiated and embodied in the body.
24 years after the publication of the reference book on co-development, a concept developed by Claude Champagne and Adrien Payette, "Le codéveloppement. L'intelligence collective au service de l'individu et du groupe" has just been published by Editions Eyrolles. Suzanne Peters and Gilles Vialard are happy to have contributed to it through their experience in coaching organizations.
Suzanne Peters wrote the chapter "Stress or burnout" in Le Psycho Guide, a reference book on "well-being" edited by Dr Sylvie Angel and published by Larousse.
Chronic fatigue, loss of motivation and efficiency at work, feeling overwhelmed, self-deprecation, increasing irritability and lack of concentration... Burnout is not inevitable. It can be managed, and better still, prevented.