With a computer engineering background, he devoted the first 10 years of his career to the implementation of information system technologies as an IT consultant and project manager in inustries as varied as telecoms, transport, insurance, banking, medical and the press.
The structure of his approach to the transformation of organisations is based on the methodology developed by the ESSEC Chair of Change. His approach is inspired by humanistic approaches: Theory U (Otto Scharmer), integral approach (Ken Wilber).
His IT expertise has enabled him to develop tools for coaching: HRS (change management), 11dots (development of collective team intelligence) and a platform for Open Forums and remote World Cafés.
Trained in supervision in 2013 (ESQA label: European Supervision Quality Award), Stéphane Vallée practices individual and collective supervision of coaches. He volunteers his skills as a coach and facilitator in collective intelligence to colleges in Marseille, to people looking for work, to the association "villes en transition" in the town where he lives, as well as to the international organization Science and Non Duality, which promotes the connection between science and spiritual traditions.
His professional practice is supported by a daily yoga and meditation practice.
Stéphane speaks French and English.
For 15 years he has been integrating many approaches into his work: NLP, ProcessCom, Transactional Analysis, Non Violent Communication, Systemic Approach, Narrative Practice, Open Forum, Co-development, Art of Hosting, Essec Change Chair.